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“According to a recent survey by AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving*, approximately 34 million Americans have served as unpaid caregivers to someone aged 50 or older. The average age of the older adults needing care is 75 years old. While 60 percent of these caregivers are gainfully employed, many say they must frequently: arrive late for work; leave the workplace early; need time off from work; need a full leave of absence; or are forced to give up work entirely to accommodate the needs of the person they are caring for.”

  • Support employees with education, training and support for aging parents
  • Conduct assessments and provide recommendations, community resources and strategies to support care-giving duties
  • Attend physician appointments and coordinate care
  • Education and support for current and future needs including goals of care conversations and advanced directives

*Source: https://agewellcincy.org/employees-caring-for-aging-parents-should-understand-their-rights/